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The Moral Machine Experiment

par Jean-François Bonnefon

Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
Professeur à Toulouse School of Economics

Le 22 mai 2018 à 11h00

With the rapid development of AI come widespread concerns about how machines will behave in morally charged situations. To address these concerns, we must quantify societal expectations about the ethical principles that should guide machine behaviour. In response to this challenge, we deployed the Moral Machine, an Internet-based experimental platform that is designed to explore the multi-dimensional moral dilemmas faced by autonomous vehicles. This platform enabled us to gather 40 million decisions from millions of users in 200+ countries. In this talk, I will summarise global moral preferences, as well as individual and cultural variations in the strengths of these preferences. In particular, I will describe three major clusters of countries exhibiting substantial differences along key moral preferences about autonomous vehicles. These differences correlate with modern institutions as well as deep cultural traits.


 ©iyad rahwan

Short CV 
Jean-François Bonnefon received a PhD in cognitive psychology and is a research director at TSE (CRM-CNRS-IAST). He received the bronze medal of the CNRS, is a senior associate editor of Cognition, and a member of several other editorial boards. His work appeared in 100+ publications, including articles in Science, Psychological Science, Psychological Review, and Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

More info: 















Automatized vehicle @Toulouse from “PROMETHEUS to EasyMile”

par Jean-Luc Maté

Automotech Cluster 
Strategy & International Development

Le 23 mars 2018

Vous pouvez télécharger la présentation de Jean-Luc Maté ICI.
Les vidéos de cette présentation sont également téléchargeables : VIDEO-1 , VIDEO-2

1987: Just two years after the creation by France and Germany of EUREKA, an innovation market-oriented R&D funding tool, the Automotive industry took the opportunity to launch the most important R&D project never done before in EUROPE on vehicle of the future: Prometheus. The outcome of Prometheus has been amazing as first autonomous cars where shown and demonstrated in live conditions between Germany and Paris.

In Toulouse LAAS and Siemens Automotive both engaged in this program took the opportunity to get closer and invent the first industry-research mixed laboratory in France: MIRGAS. This lab explored all automatics techniques applied to complex control domain in automobile. But this was 30 years ago!

The purpose of my talk is to explore the history of Automatized vehicles in the world and try to understand why Toulouse is today considered as one place to be for developing the autonomous transport of the future. Of course, we will have to share some secrets story from many local actors and from new comers like Easy Mile. But do not repeat this outside of LAAS partner network…   

Jean-Luc MATE
Former VP Continental Engineering systems
Founder of Automotech Occitanie Automotive Cluster
Founder of EURIPIDES² Eureka smart electronic systems Cluster
Administrator of the Automotive Engineering Society
President of the prospective counsel of Toulouse Tech


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